Monday, April 20, 2009

How beautiful the first days of spring are

Our little thinker....seriously considering whether
or not he likes all this swinging around business...
The proud parents!
Paul, Landon, Ed and Ruby at Finch Park. (oh and the babies in the background)
Landon is stuffing himself with chippies, hence the hand in the mouth.
Gavin was born 10.11.08 and Cameron 10.17.08
Thanks for the nice shot boys!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Sweet Charlotte...

Having fun at Grandma Lyn's with sweet cousin Charlotte. When I asked Landon this morning what he'd like to do today, he said "Move to the new house!" but does he know he won't see his sweet cousin Charlotte that much anymore?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

So what say you Cameron?

Playing at SIL's house...with cousin Rebecca's cutesie stroller...Landon loves this because he doesn't have one of his own (he's a boy after all). Cameron plays along with Landon's sillyness, but who knows what he's really thinking?