Friday, October 9, 2009

Lysa Terkeurst On Oprah!

This is such an amazing story! I saw this the first time it aired then again on my daily devotional this morning and decided I just had to share it! Check out this amazing story of one North Carolina Family!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A little family update....

Cameron is 10 months old already and in only two more months we'll be having a big birthday bash for the boys to celebrate their 1st and 3rd birthdays respectively. Very exciting, can't believe time is flying by so fast and our little guys are growing up so quickly. The summer is almost over and Landon will start school again. Cameron is working on his walking and will soon have his 7th and 8th tooth which will officially entitle him to eat big boy food. He already thinks he's a big boy and Landon is forced to share his sippy cups with him :0) Landon is a very caring and loving big brother and every day that Cameron gets a lil older the boys have more fun together. All and all, over the last few months we have really settled in nicely, the boys love their new home and have made many new friends. We have wonderful neighbors and couldn't’ have asked for a better place to live. Lots still to do and much more exciting things for the boys to look forward to before the end of the year….Hope everyone is having a sunny summer and getting ready for the leaves to fall soon. Pumpkin picking season is right around the corner and along with the changing of colors we look forward to another season of new and fun things to do…..cheers for now…

Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer Fun

Playing outside, Cameron was chewing on some grass while Landon was burning some energy, running like a wild man. I thought this picture of Cameron was too cute! On that sweet baby face you can't help but notice the piece of evidence still left on his chin. Landon's new dump truck, and the very important luggage he is transporting is hand made and specially ordered from the McMahon household itself!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A lil gardening...

So along with attempting to potty train himself, Landon has picked up yet another valuable skill, getting filthy dirty.....I mean mulching. We're still scrubbing the dirt off him. Needles to say we know what Paul did for Fathers day. Happy Fathers day Honey! We love you and thank you for letting Landon play in the dirt all weekend along with making your gardening job even more tiresome! This is why you are the best Dad in the whole world!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Our Sweet Baby Cameron! Sleeping...hmmm...
seems like a common theme in the McMahon
This is the only time you'll ever catch Landon sleeping
in the middle of the day...after a long day at the pool. But then again
who can resist a nice nap in the late afternoon sun anyway?
Landon and I see this little Cardinal every morning in our back yard.
We took the picture from our screened in porch, that might be why
it's a lil hazy...
A lil birdie also made himself a nest in one of the ferns I
hung out on the front porch, so we're anxiously waiting
to see if any babies will arive soon.

Monday, May 25, 2009

A day at the beach....

We decided to take a lil drive to the beach on Saturday morning. Our destination was Wrightsville beach, near Wilmington NC. We had a great time and afterwards went for an early dinner at the Reel Cafe in Wilmington. Our last bit of excitement for the day was ice-cream at a cute lil place in town, before we headed back home.
So all in all, Cameron's first time at the beach was a memorable one and as always our little fishy, Landon, couldn't be kept out of the water for even a minute.
"Sure I like playing but hey, a man gets tired after a
long days work"
What could you be thinking little Cameron?
Tuckered out and taking a lil snooze....zzzz...zzzz
The boys
Our sweet little Cameron, having some fun in the shallow waters.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Living life in North Carolina

We finally moved into our new house and the boys are loving it! Here they are waiting for mommy to make them some breakfast.

Monday, April 20, 2009

How beautiful the first days of spring are

Our little thinker....seriously considering whether
or not he likes all this swinging around business...
The proud parents!
Paul, Landon, Ed and Ruby at Finch Park. (oh and the babies in the background)
Landon is stuffing himself with chippies, hence the hand in the mouth.
Gavin was born 10.11.08 and Cameron 10.17.08
Thanks for the nice shot boys!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Sweet Charlotte...

Having fun at Grandma Lyn's with sweet cousin Charlotte. When I asked Landon this morning what he'd like to do today, he said "Move to the new house!" but does he know he won't see his sweet cousin Charlotte that much anymore?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

So what say you Cameron?

Playing at SIL's house...with cousin Rebecca's cutesie stroller...Landon loves this because he doesn't have one of his own (he's a boy after all). Cameron plays along with Landon's sillyness, but who knows what he's really thinking?