Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A little family update....

Cameron is 10 months old already and in only two more months we'll be having a big birthday bash for the boys to celebrate their 1st and 3rd birthdays respectively. Very exciting, can't believe time is flying by so fast and our little guys are growing up so quickly. The summer is almost over and Landon will start school again. Cameron is working on his walking and will soon have his 7th and 8th tooth which will officially entitle him to eat big boy food. He already thinks he's a big boy and Landon is forced to share his sippy cups with him :0) Landon is a very caring and loving big brother and every day that Cameron gets a lil older the boys have more fun together. All and all, over the last few months we have really settled in nicely, the boys love their new home and have made many new friends. We have wonderful neighbors and couldn't’ have asked for a better place to live. Lots still to do and much more exciting things for the boys to look forward to before the end of the year….Hope everyone is having a sunny summer and getting ready for the leaves to fall soon. Pumpkin picking season is right around the corner and along with the changing of colors we look forward to another season of new and fun things to do…..cheers for now…

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